I'm so EXCITED! I cannot begin to tell you....for YEARS I've wanted to visit our local Medieval Times (Baltimore) at Arundel Mills. It's been a wacky and crazy bucket list item for me. Today....I get to check that item off my list! I cannot wait....my family and I are headed up the road to watch about of jousting, eat with our hands and cheer on some knights. We'll get to taste and experience a bit of what it was like to live in the middle ages. This should be tons of family fun!
We've been going bonkers trying to get our house decorated for the holiday and I've really been busy finishing up orders for my Etsy shop, working on plans for next year and just life in general. Today, will be a fun family day and because it's going to be at Medieval Times, I'm crazy excited.....did I mention I was excited? I haven't even told the kids!!!! I just know they will be amazed by the live action....food.....and FUN!!!

Speaking of food....I've heard about the turkey drumsticks....and let me say....a girl loves her a turkey drumsticks. I'm sure that my son will love being able to make a mess with and eat with his hands. My daughter will love meeting ladies dressed in all their Medieval garb.
Because I'm such a nerd....I've done a bit of research on the whole experience and here's are a few fun facts that I'm excited about:
* Knights perform with real metal weapons and wear authentic armor. During battle scenes, real titanium swords create sparks. (Danger!!!.....but exciting!)
* Medieval Times is the #1 breeder of pure Spanish horses in North America. (I love me some horses)
* 400,000 gallons of Pepsi are consumed each year. (SUGAR RUSH! YEAH!!!)
I'll be sharing all the fun on my social media so, be sure to come follow along with me
@cwbdparties on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest and be sure to check back on December 27th for the full rundown of our experience.
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