
Thursday, November 4, 2010

A Little Catching Up to Do

There have been several events that have taken place over the last two months that I just didn't get a chance to share with you!  How dare I!

I must tell you that starting your business and trying to design, plan, conceptualize, visualize and sometimes improvise (and not necessarily in that order) takes you away from other tasks - like my blog writing.  I love writing in my blog and sharing with you guys and sometimes, I just don't get around to everything (like adding more pages for party submissions, party consulting services and pricing that link to my Etsy

So, I thought it would be nice to share with you some of the events that I either helped plan, design or baked cupcakes for.....almost forgot that's part of my schtick, huh? LOL  So here-goes!  These are recaps from Halloween, a charity event for a local Washington, DC arts organization and a baby shower.

Over the weekend we had a lil sumthin' sumthin' for the kids for Halloween....... 

What a motley crew!

I shared with you the Halloween 2010 Party Printables I made for the party and the blog party I participated in showcasing the printed products.  Well, all those print outs couldn't go to waste, so I used them for the kids' party.  I took a lot of pictures, but unfortunately, the lighting is horrible in our basement and I also had the camera on the wrong setting the entire time and they came out pretty sucky. Here's a collage from the best I got from the bunch:

We had loads of candy on hand!  I decorated the ceiling light fixture with streamers and rosettes and covered the bookcases with painted runners.  To add some height and dimension to a spooky display, I covered our DVD and DVR with black sheets which created a cool visual point of interest.

Another idea I came up with (at the last minute) was to create little Spooky Stations.  So, I created specimen jars - which grossed a lot of people out.  There was also a Witch's Kitchen where the kids could go and add ingredients to make an evil potion of witches brew.  For another activity, and I didn't get pictures of it but wish I really did - we made green slime!  It was a lot of fun, in fact, my daughter still has hers.

About a month ago, I assisted in designing a baby shower for a coworker, I also created a cake for the event.  The theme was 'B is for Boy' and I chose to use browns, blues and creams for the colors.

About two weeks ago, I donated some of my delicious baked sweets to an event to help raise money for a local Washington DC arts education program.  The event was focused on health, fitness and wellness and I was asked to make something healthy - healthy cupcakes????? WHAT THE????  But I did it!  I found a recipe for chocolate vegan cupcakes and added my own spin on it and this is what I came up with:

These are Chocolate Coconut Vegan Cupcakes with the BEST chocolate 'buttercream' frosting you'd ever want to taste!!!!  They're healthy because they are only 115 calories - they are tiny mini cute!

I had a lot of fun working on all these events, but it's time to get back to getting things together for Thanksgiving and Xmas - OY Vey!!!!  Check back soon for my holiday party planning tips.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing, they all looked like a lot of fun! And those cupcakes were a HUGE hit!!!!
