
Friday, July 30, 2010

My Birthday Blog-xtravaganza!

I am so excited about next week!  Since my birthday is next Tuesday, I have asked five of my favorite fellow blog-gals to be guest bloggers for me all of next week.  The lovely ladies who agreed to take on a fun challenge and guest post for me are:

Each day a different blog-gal will write a post about one of my favorite things.  It's kinda like what Oprah does when she has a favorite things show and gives away cars, vacations and refrigerators to audience members - except....I'm not Oprah ;)  Seriously though - there will be prizes so be sure to check back every day next week to find out the giveaway for the day!

On to other business.....

Yesterday I posted about my Midsummer Night's Dream themed birthday party that I will host next weekend with a few friends.  Well, let me start by saying that this is a last minute decision and it means three things; small guest list, small amount of time and small budget.  In my head, I'm planning all of these great things I'm gonna whip up and create and have a totally over the top bash.

REALITY: I know good and too darn well that is just my crazy talking.  I really don't have time to get invites in the mail, so I just have to do an Evite (which I secretly hate).  Luckily I came across this post about this product from Paperless Post that allows you to create real looking invitations that you can send via email....and the kicker is they look like real invitations!!!!  SEE!!!!!!

So, I will be sending a Paperless Post invite over to some friends shortly - can't wait.  I have some other decorating ideas in my head , as well - but I'm trying to figure out the easiet and thriftiest way to make it happen!  I'll share everything with you when I get off the crazy train - if there is actuall a way to do it.


  1. Happy Early Birthday! Vising from the 31BBBD challenge!

  2. Oh, happy birthday! This is such a pretty blog.

  3. Hi! I'm visiting from SITS tonight. I'm so happy to see I'm not the only one pager! You're site is so pretty! I figure people always want to see what's new anyway right?

  4. Thanks for my birthday wishes!!!! I love birthdays....especially when they are mine - tee-hee!

    @Colleen - yes my little one page blog makes me happy and sane. However, I do want to add more pages eventually. Thanks for the comment

    @Serene & @KDC Thanks for checking out my blog!!!!
