
Monday, March 8, 2010

‘Cupcake Monday’, Oscar Bash ‘Recap’ and Princess and the Frog Sneak Peek

It’s 'Cupcake Monday' and this weekend I made one cupcake two different ways.  I tested an Orange Buttermilk Cupcake recipe that a coworker gave to me, which she found in a local paper.  I made some adjustments and added my own spin on it….here’s what I got:

Orange Creme Cupcakes_2

Orange Creme Cupcakes
They came out soooo good and tasted super delicious!  After I made these, I wanted to try and do a cupcake for the Easter Holiday.  After toying with a few ideas, I finally came up with this:

Blue Extreme Close Up Easter Basket Cupcakes_10
It’s a candy Easter Basket….
Blue Close Up Easter Basket Cupcakes

I like to call these babies, ‘Don’t Put All Your Eggs in One Basket’ Cupcakes.  I put so many jellybeans in the ‘baskets’ that they kept spilling out!  That’s how I came up with the name -  Ha-ha!  Can you guess what the baskets are made out of?

Yellow Close Up Easter Basket Cupcakes
Rainbow Easter Basket Cupcakes _2
Rainbow_Easter Basket Cupcakes _3
Rainbow_Easter Basket Cupcakes_1
How cute are they though?

I might pull a Bakerella on you and show you the step by step instructions just in time for Easter.  Actually, I did take pictures as I was making them, but my fingers looked all gnarly from lack of manicures and frankly, I wasn’t ready to give you all that much of me yet ;)

So, onto other things… my so called Oscar Bash.  Wanna see how it went…….?????

My Oscar Night
(Crickets chirping in the background…)  IT WAS A TOTAL BUST!  LOL!

That’s me in my PJ’s, on my bed, a glass of Ballatore, a bowl of popcorn, my Oscar Bingo & Ballot, and a pile of laundry to fold.  Hey, sometimes it happens.  It seems that things came up and some people just couldn’t make it at the last minute.  So, I decided to make it a party of one – and I still had a good time and guessed 13 winners from the top awards (does anyone really know what sound mixing is?).

Okay, so I’ve been staying up many a late night working on The Little Diva’s Princess and The Frog party.  Here’s a sneak peek at what’s in the works:



The Little Diva came down while I was snapping these pictures and started giving me a bunch of suggestions as what to do with everything.  A little party planner in the making – so cute!  I’ll post more as things come together.

Don’t forget to enter to win this week’s Friday Freebie and check back tomorrow for a party planning tip!

Photo Credit: Twizzlers


  1. Those Easter basket cupcakes are adorable!

  2. Baskets are such a cute idea!

    Kim @
    party inspiration

  3. How Cute are those Easter basket cupcakes!! Never would have thought!!

  4. the easter basket cupcake toppers are so cute!

  5. Cute cupcakes. Can't wait to see your princess and the frog party. I have one coming up in two weeks and it's been so much fun planning it.

  6. Thanks gals for the comments. Making those cupcakes were lots of fun! Monique - I can't wait to see pictures of your party!
