
Monday, October 2, 2017

PomPom Flying Bats


Are you just as excited about Halloween as I am?  If you're here - you must be.  Halloween is my favorite time of year - it's no secret.  That's why I host the 13 Days of Handmade Halloween series on my blog EVERY YEAR!  It's just a group of us creative gals, getting together and sharing how to make crafty things with Halloween scare....I mean flair ;)

If you aren't sure what the series is all about check out some of the awesome posts from years past.  In the meantime, I'm kicking things off with a very easy wall decor idea!

You know I'm a pompom making queen.  I can spit these babies out at the drop of a dime.  So, it was only fitting that I share how I made these!  Let's get started

Supplies you will need:

PomPom maker
Glittered Foam Sheet
Googly Eyes
Hot Glue
Adhesive foam 

To start, trace and cut out your image using the bat template.  

Next, once your bat is cut out, set it aside and start working on making your pompom.  You will only need to make a small size.  I always use a clover pompom maker for my pompoms but there are tons of ways these can be made.  Just search on Google for how to make a pompom.

Once your pompom is made, you can trim and shape the excess yarn to create a well formed pompom - it isn't necessary to do this but, I just like my pompoms a little round.

Next attach your pompom 'body' to the center of the bat allowing the wings and ears to stick out from behind.  You can add the googly eyes at this point.

Finally, add your pompom bats to the wall.  I placed mine on the wall to look as if the bats were flying all willy nilly, as I suppose bats do.  You can anchor the wings into place with an adhesive foam dot to make them look as if they have some movement.

That's that!  I love this idea, these bats are super can also hang them to the ceiling if you'd like.  Just make sure to keep a ten end on the pompom ball!

Thanks for stopping by for today's Handmade Halloween project.  Be sure to come back tomorrow to see a fabulous headband project from Tikkido that is 'EY'E'dorable!  Don't forget to check out the giveaway below for a $75 Gift Card from Oriental Trading Company!

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