
Friday, July 21, 2017

Make Your Own Fidget Spinner Display Stand

Are your kids totally into the fidget spinner craze?  I know mine are.  We definitely have quite a few of them all over the house...which means, mine are always looking for their spinners.  This got me thinking, they need a great way to store or display their spinners.  Luckily, I received an offer from my friends at Oriental Trading Company to share some creative ideas using spinners.  So....I am.

I knew I wanted an easy way they could display the spinners creatively.  All summer, my kids have been watching videos on how to modify or customize their spinners.  I found my solution - a wooden frame, a metal hook, and paint.

My kids were super excited about this craft.  I hadn't told them that I had a box full of new fidget spinners for them.  We worked on this on a Sunday afternoon and it provided a few hours of fun away from video games and bickering....and bad snacking.  I had the kids sand down the edges of the wooden frames to avoid splinters.

Once sanded to smooth, they painted their frames.  My kids got so son used his favorite video game character, Sonic the Hedgehog as inspiration for his frames.  My daughter wanted to do paint splatter technique on hers.

Once the frames dried completely, we used a bed of E6000 to adhere the frame backer in place.  You will need to allow time for the glue to dry and set - about 20-30 minutes.

Once the frames were completely dried and set, the metal disk was glued in place and the magnetic hook set in place.  You can also make the frames without the use of a washer and just glue the magnet to the frame backer.  The washer just gives the hook extra support.

Once done, the kids were able add the spinners to the hook.  There's a small peg in the back of the square wooden frames that allowed each frame to stand up.  A picture hook can also be added to the back if you want to hang the frame on a wall.

This spinners frame display is definitely an easy project to make and a great summer craft!  Not only do they make a great way to store the spinners, but they're a great way for kids to showcase their artistic talents!  I'm sure we'll be creating more of these in the days to come as my kids come up with creative and unique ways to customize their fidget spinners!

Are your kids loving the fidget spinner craze?  Have any questions on how to make this or other summer crafts?  I'd love to hear from you!!!
Visit me @cwbdparties on 
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and tag me when share your best crafting moments using craft ideas from my site!

(I was provided with free products from Oriental Trading Company for this post. The reviews of the products are solely my own honest opinion and may not reflect the views of others.)

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