
Monday, October 10, 2016

Momster Halloween Costume Idea - 13 Days of Handmade Halloween 2016: Day 1

It's Day one of the 13 Days of Handmade Halloween!  If you're new to my blog, each year I host a 13-day long craft fest of sorts.  My awesome blogging friends pool their creative resources together and come up with some of the most fun Halloween ideas, projects and crafts.  This year, hold on to your seats because there are some majorly pinnable ideas that you will for sure want to make before October 31st!  So, I hope you've got your glue guns ready because the 13 Days of Handmade Halloween 2016 is here!!!!  WOO-HOO!!!

I am so excited to kick off this year's series!  Today I'm sharing a fun idea for a mom costume....folks....this get up is so easy to do, very affordable and a great for moms!!!  Allow me to introduce you to the Momstume.

It's the easiest costume ever....dress up as a 'mom' and done a quirky monster inspired wig!  Haha!  I love it!

It's no secret to all who know me that I absolutely love Halloween.  Growing up in Connecticut, there was nothing better than dressing up for Halloween, meeting up with the neighborhood kids....pillowcase sacks, buckets and bags in tow, skipping down sidewalks, crunching through leaves....the smell of burning firewood filtering out of the fireplaces of the homes as we ran door to door to shout out 'TRICK OR TREAT!' at the top of our lungs.  We kids walked our neighborhood and the neighboring areas until we couldn't walk anymore.   Our bags spilled over with candy and some of us even had the nerve to bring along extra bags or buckets.  What a fun time!

These days, my kids don't get to celebrate Halloween at school the way I did, growing up.  We don't live in the same kind of neighborhood that I lived in.  Most of our neighbors are older and retired and there aren't that many kids on our street - we're lucky to even get trick or treaters.  So, when my kids were really young, I threw them fabulous Halloween parties, instead.  They were really awesome and the kids and their friends truly enjoyed them.  As they got older, however, they simply wanted to go door to door trick or treating.  Well, my dilemma was that we couldn't do much trick or treating in our neighborhood.  Luckily we live in a metropolitan area that never runs out of fun things for families to do.  So, for the past few years, we've made it a tradition to partake in the ultra fabulous festivities of a huge Halloween bash (and I do mean BASH) in nearby Old Town Alexandria.

Each year we've gone....I've donned a corny festive 'mom' top and witch hat, and each year my daughter, always begs for me to put on a costume.  As much as I adore this holiday, I haven't really gotten into the dressing up festivities of it all for one reason or another, but THIS year I am all in!  I recently did a fun  Silly Monster Trunk or Treat idea and dressed up as a Momster!

This costume cost me $0 to make....and here's why....

I was given the Halloween costumes and decor by Oriental Trading in exchange to share some Halloween party ideas on my site.  So, my big blue beehive wig and huge googly eye didn't cost me.  The rest of my costume was pulled right out of my closet.  My mom gear was a pair of khaki capri's, an orange polo top, pearls, an apron and heels....and I added a floral pin to finish off my look.

If you want to see how I made the wig here are the easy steps - watch my video tutorial!  You can purchase the wig and googly eyes on Oriental Trading.

I hope you'll stick around for the next few weeks as I share more Halloween creativity from my blogging friends for the 13 Days of Handmade Halloween.  Don't forget, share your own images on Instagram and use the hashtag #13DOHH2016 in order to win a fun Halloween prize pack from me!

What are some of your fondest childhood memories from Halloween.  I'd love to hear -  leave a comment below!

LET'S GET SOCIAL!  Find more celebrations and Halloween fun @cwbdparties on InstagramFacebookTwitter and Pinterest

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