
Friday, March 25, 2016

Cost Saving and Easy Meal Planning with Prep Dish

dinner ideas, healthy meals, grocery savings, easy recipes

Since changing my way of eating to Low Carb-High Fat (LCHF), I am loving meal planning lately and what help me stay on track best is having easy recipes and grocery lists to choose from. I had a chance to sample and review a weekly meal plan subscription with for free for the next 3 months.  BTW - I have a special offer for my readers (scroll down if ya can't wait!) is a weekly online subscription service created by Registered Dietician and personal celebrity chef Allison Schaff.  With that kind of experience under her belt, I'd say this lady MUST know what she's talking about.
 Watch Allison's Introductory Video
After you sign up, you will get your plan via email.  Included is a Gluten-free and Paleo meal plan that you can choose from.  I'm not eating specifically for these type of diets, but they are in-line with my current way of eating, so, I don't feel that I'm missing out on anything from trying trying the recipes.  I can also add in the ingredients that I want to adapt to my Low-Carb/High Fat lifestyle.

I had some time this week to get started on trying out some of the recipes, review the meal plans and I must say I was very excited.  There were so many different options for food and veggies I knew that I wouldn't be bored right away with trying everything.  Because I already did my shopping for the week, I didn't use the grocery list this time, but it was clear that I could find any of the items on the list in my grocery store and gathered I wouldn't spend more than about $120 for everything.  

One of the dishes I made that I just LOVED was a delicious marinated salmon with curried cauliflower & eggplant.  Now, I am not a fan of eggplant, unless it's covered in cheese....and I'm not a fan of cheese stuff with my ever.  So, I opted to not use the Eggplant and just settled on having the cauliflower as my side dish.  PS....I never knew how delicious cauliflower could be until I started creating different recipes with it.  If you don't love cauliflower, just Google some of the recipes that are out's really yummy.  I digress.....the Prep Dish recipes are so easy to follow and very tasty, prep time takes about 2 hours for a week's worth of meals and most of the ingredients can be found just about anywhere.  

I do have a separate LCHF meal plan that I'm currently following so, I am not sure how long I will continue the subscription after the free trial ends,  but I do highly recommend it to anyone looking to eat healthier and wants to save time and money on grocery shopping.
As a special incentive for signing up with, my Readers will receive an exclusive $4 FREE Trial (so sign-up....hurry!!  go....GO!)

PrepDish is great because it saves time and money, the food is pretty darn tasty, everything is healthy, and we can feed our family delicious and healthy real food meals.  The plan is really designed for those looking to eat healthier - and shouldn't we all be working towards that goal?  I mean, donuts are super yummy,  but in moderation of course.  If you're following the Whole30 or even Paleo eating plan, this online service is perfect!

online meal planning, easy recipes, ideas for dinner, healthy meals

whole30, Paleo, Caveman, Keto, Healthy, LCHF, save money, time saving

salmon, fish, recipes, healthy, paleo, whole30, keto

recipes, meal plan, cooking, healthy, paleo, keto, dinner tips, organizing your fridge

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