
Thursday, November 13, 2014

{Gratitude} 5 Tips to Writing Thank You Notes

There's something about November and the onset of the holiday season that makes ya start thinking about gratitude.  When I am out and about, and come across a cute pack of thank you cards I will always grab them to add to my 'collection'.  I loooove stocking up on thank you cards and sending little notes to family, friends and associates who go out of their way to do really nice stuff for me.  We live in a world where it's so easy to just send an email or text.  However, there really isn't anything more thoughtful than sending a handwritten note.  So, with the season of thanks and giving at hand, I thought I'd share 5 tips to writing thank you notes.

1.  Make it timely - Although I am certain anyone would appreciate being thanked for whatever reason at any given time, it's best to do it in a timely fashion.  If you're sending out thank you notes following a party or event, the note should be sent out as soon as possible and no later than a month after the event.  If you do end up sending it later, just be sure to express your apologies for not sending a note sooner.

2.  Be prepared - Have pretty stationary, note cards, stamps, envelopes, pens that work and updated addresses at the ready.  Write your notes under good lighting at your desk or  find a nice comfy place on the couch with a lap desk and get to writing.  Also, being prepared does NOT include having pre-written thank you notes, IJS.

3. Stick with a Basic Template - Short and sweet wins the race.  Have a basic format but stay sincere and personable.  If  you have a good amount of notes to send, say after a big event like a wedding or shower, you'll want a basic thank you note that expresses your gratitude.  Be sure to mention the gift, how you plan to use it, if you enjoy it .  If it's not something you really are fond of, you can simply say you appreciate the gift giver's thoughtfulness. 

4. Do not mention money - If you're writing a card to thank someone for sending you money or a gift card there is no need to mention the dollar amount.  It's in poor taste to do so.  That being said, you can simply express your appreciation for their kindness, hospitality or generosity.

5. Take your time -  Slow and steady ALSO wins the race.  Pace yourself and take your time while writing and putting your thoughts onto paper.  If you find yourself getting tired after writing a good amount of cards in one sitting - feel free to take a break.  It's better to err on the side of caution than to air on the side of caution.

Hope these tips were helpful and that you take a little time out to send a note of thanks to someone you are absolutely grateful to have in your life!

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