
Tuesday, August 5, 2014

{Cupcake Monday} Sherbet & Cream 'Cupcakes'

Here is a look at the cutest little 'cupcakes' ever! I recently did a photo shoot for my Summer Cool Out Ice Pop inspired printable collection and  created these little darlings for my sweets table!  They're scoops of sherbet, topped with whipped cream, sprinkled with heart shaped jimmies and finished with a wafer roll and tiny chocolate dots! 

I'll be sharing more of my Summer Cool Out party ideas and tips very soon - so be sure check back in!!!!

Summer Cool Out Party Ideas by Cupcake Wishes & Birthday Dreams

Sherbet cream cupcakes by Cupcake Wishes & Birthday Dreams 
Ice Pop Party Cupcakes by Cupcake Wishes & Birthday Dreams

Sherbet & Cream Cupcakes by Cupcake Wishes & Birthday Dreams
I hope you're enjoying your summer as much as I am!


  1. I love love love shebert, yes, even more than ice cream! What a cute way to display them. They look adorable!

    1. Thanks, Glenda. I feel the same. We definitely ate more Sherbet in my house than ice cream, as a kid!

  2. You are absolutely right - these look really good. Very artistic!

    1. Thank you, Nathaniel - I love how the turned out - very unexpected!

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks, Jonathan! My photography skills are amateur at best - but I'll take the compliment, nonetheless!

  4. ooh! These look delicious!!! Lovely clicks too!
