
Friday, June 8, 2012

{Fantastic Friday} Winning All Over the Place!

I am in Circle of Moms Top 25 Party Planning Moms - 2012! 

YAY!  I am so excited to be included in the TOP 25 PARTY PLANNING MOMS OF 2012 group with Circle of Moms!  How awesome is this?  I campaigned very hard and for EVERYONE who voted, I appreciate it so, so much.  Being included to this list will hopefully help CWBD reach a wider audience and hopefully mo' clients :)
One other reason that this means so much to me is because I am a part of the Martha Stewart's Dreamers Into Doer's Party People group and let me tell you, the group of women in this camp are just A-mazing.  We give each other mad crazy support and love, respect and appreciate each other's talents & creativity.  There is so much comraderie between us that it was very moving to see that so many of us are on the list as well.  In fact, the top five in the list on the Circle of Moms site are all part of this group!  If you have a moment today head over to these other ladies' blogs and see what they're all about:

These are just a few of the DiD ladies on there....but all around we were amongst some amazing talents of the party inspiration/planning/styling/blogging world :)

(You can find me at #12 on the list!!!!!)

So, if being on this list wasn't enough - remember the Dollar Tree Pinterest Contest I posted about a few weeks ago?  Well look who was a winnah!

Yay me!!!!  I'm so happy today I could just SPIT!

Have a great weekend!!!!

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