
Thursday, May 10, 2012

{Party Recap - Part 2} Rock Star Party

So, when my husband forced me (kicking & screaming) to plan a double party this year for my kids' birthdays I almost had a coronary. I know their birthdays are just 26 days apart, but the thought of sharing a party was something I never wanted for them. I mean, it does kinda suck to have to share your party with your little brother or big sister, right??? (I don't know these things, I am an only child) Well, as it turns out, they could care less! They both got guitars this past Christmas and quickly decided they would have a Rock Star party and began constantly shooting off suggestions and recommendations for their party.

Being the party planning momma extraordinaire that I am, I pulled all their ideas together and with my super creative knowledge and expertise, came up with a full out rocking plan for the party.....and that is as far as the plans went. Ya see, not everything I planned to do actually got executed. Let's chalk it up to last minute printer issues, high winds, and someone's booty.....I'll explain more later.

On Monday, I shared a few photos from the party, but here is a full party recap!

 As guests came in they were greeted with this fun door sign. I so do love a welcome door sign for my's just a sneak peek at what's in store!

(Ooooh, my son is four....not three...mommy brain strikes again)

They were presented with these hip VIP lanyard badges that I designed and had laminated (thanks, hubby).

 In the invitation, I asked guests to come dressed as a rock star. Knowing that most of the party guests were girls and a few boys I purchased a few feather boas on sale at the fabric store and $1 rock star gloves for them to dress up with to accessories their outfits. Inflatable guitars and microphones were purchased at Party City for about $8! These items also were used in our photo booth. I had the cutest signs and props that I created but because my printer decided to have a Diva moment, I wasn't able to print them up (plan fail #1) I knew I wanted to hang the backdrop against our shed and found a twin size sheet set from Walmart for about $12!!!!!

 While waiting for other guests to arrive, most of the kids played on our swing set and the boys beat each other up with the inflatable guitars (plan fail #2a) - major fun. After a few minutes of free-play, with the help of a crafty friend leading the activity, each of the guests received a rock star headband to bling out. In the house, my teenage cousin was hosting a few good rounds of Rock Band with some of the adults and boys!

 There was an awesome plan for both party tables, but because of high winds (plain fail #2b). I did manage to get a picture of a centerpiece just for show. I'm bummed out about the table, cause I had lots of cute stuff to share, but at the end of the day, the kids just wanted the darn pizza and could care less what the table looked like.

 After the food and activities, all the kids got together and took a few snapshots in the photo booth while me and my awesome helpers set up the sweets table and the birthday cakes. They're so darn cute!

This sweets table was the pièce de résistance (in my head) for the party. My kids looooove having a sweets table for their parties and I looooove setting them up.

 I enlisted the help of my good friend to pull it together while the photos were being taken. I'll share with you later why we set up the table late in the party. After all the photos were taken, the kids gathered rushed in for cake and other goodies......and then it happened!!!! Let me preface the 'it happened' by saying that it dawned on me the night before the party that I'd forgotten all about the cakes. The cupcakes were done, but my kids were very clear in their demand for rock star cakes. So, I whipped up two personal cakes, one chocolate and one vanilla, frosted them, and decorated them with sugar sheets and cake toppers. It took me about six hours to do both cakes and left me with one hour of sleep.......I digress....... 

As the kiddies rushed in to sing Happy Birthday, somehow, someway, someone bumped into someone, who bumped into something, that bumped into the sweets table that sent my son's cake tumbling to the floor (plan fail #3). Poor guy was really bummed out.....luckily his oldest sister had a backup cake in the fridge!

 Here is a little tip; sweets tables are great for parties, however, if you set it up midway through the party it helps to keep the kids from getting too high off of all that sugar! If you're setting up for an adult gathering, having the sweets table set up in advance is perfect.

I created fry box treat boxes for guests to take with them that were filled with candy, bubbles, guitar shaped crayons by Red Elm Designs, party blowers, tattoos, fun paper shades, rubber bracelets.  I placed each box in a cellophane bag and tied a favor bag tag to each for a cool presentation.

All in all - a success, if I hadn't blabbered on and on about everything that didn't happen no one would EVER know. The kids had a great time, my babies celebrated another year of growth and everyone got to rock out!

I want to thank the Cupcake Wishes & Birthday Dreams Party dream team for all their help, assistance & support (Hubby, April, my Mama, Donna & Naleli)

Party Shopping Guide:

Party Styling & Decor: Cupcake Wishes & Birthday Dreams
Cakes & Cupcakes: Cupcake Wishes & Birthday Dreams
Tracey's Tutu: Atutudes
Adam's 'Little Brother' Rock Star Tee: Children's Place
Crayon Party Favor: Red Elm Designs
Inflatable Instruments & Candy: Party City
Fabric Backdrop: Walmart
Feather Boas: Hancock Fabrics 
Rocker Bracelets: Family Dollar


  1. Great party with lots of rockin' details...even though not everything went to plan. Those photo booth pics are SO fun!!!

  2. SO Fun! And the photo booth photos are priceless!! Great job Keisha!

  3. Keisha you did a fantastic job! i love the rocker theme and they look like they had a blast!!

  4. So much FUN! I love the group shot...they look like a kid rock band! Awesome!

  5. Love this party!!!!! You did a great job of pulling both of them together

  6. Hey Monique!!! Thanks! It was a lot of fun!
