
Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Today, The Mini Diva turns 7!

Time really has gone by sooooo fast! In these few short years I've been so blessed to watch her grow and develop into a little lady. I love how girly she is; she loves to play dress up, digs headbands and lots of hair bows, scarves, frilly things and pink things.  I admire how she finds the best in everyone and everything.  Even when she drives me nuts, deep inside I crack up at her when she dances silly.

Everyday, I'm noticing how she's like me in so many ways (even though I try to deny it)  and sometimes I just look at her and think, 'OUTSTANDING'.  I am so blessed to have this little REMARKABLE child in my life and thank God everyday for her.

We'll celebrate her birthday tonight 'quietly' at home with cake and pizza and later in the month she and her brother will celebrate their birthdays together with a big party with friends and family!

Happy Birthday, Boo-Boo - YOU REALLY ROCK!

Hey.....can you guess what the theme of the party will be????