
Friday, February 24, 2012

{Friday Freebie} Oscar Viewing Party Swag Bag

YAY! I'm getting so excited for my Oscar Viewing party on Sunday and wanted to share my excitement by doing a giveaway.  I will be sending my guests home with a swag bag of goodies and I have an extra bag for a lucky reader!!!!!

My Oscar Viewing Party Swag Bag includes:

A charming Oriental fabric satchel
Ribbon Flower Headband
Udderly Smooth Hand Cream
Essie Nail Polish
EOS Lip Balm
Martha Stewart Flourish Kraft and Chalkboard Labels
$25 Gift Certificate from LaBelle Parties
Favor Boxes from Alison Lawson Cakes
Cupcake Wishes & Birthday Dreams 'Celebration' Party to Go (not even in my shop yet!!!!)

To enter the giveaway, simply leave a comment and let us know who you think will win the Oscar for Best Actor, Best Actress and Best Movie!  Giveaway ends on February 29th and the winners will be chosen at random and announced on Friday, March 2; be sure check back to see if you've won and GOOD LUCK!!!!

UPDATE - Clearly my rules for giveaways suck - considering after the Oscars we will know who the winners are, there would be no need to guess.  So, simply leaving a comment will qualify you to win and you're still more than welcome to leave your predictions for the best actor, actress and movie before they're announced.  The contest will still end on Feb. 29 and the winner will be announced on March 2nd.   Thank you in advance for understanding my DUH moment :)

(Excluding items from LaBelle Parties and Alison Lawson Cakes, the items included in the giveaway are from my own personal stash of freebies!)


  1. I think the Artist will win as best picture. I also think Jean Dujardin will take the statue for best actor and Meryl Streep for best actress.

  2. Haven't even really heard who's up for Best Actor/Actress! I'm so behind! :) But, I'll be sure to tune in to see who wins! Love your giveaway! :)

  3. Best movie: The Descendents
    Best Actress: Maryl Streep
    Best Actor: Clooney

  4. Thanks for the giveaway.

    ccboobooy at gmail dot com
