
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

{Whatever Wednesday} Playing Around with a New Logo

 {Whatever Wednesday will be a new feature on my blog where I'll post just about whatever I want! Could be about parties, could not be about's my blog and I'll post what I want to :P}

I've been playing around with some logos. My mom is a very talented graphic designer and created the original CWBD logo for me when I first started my business. Well, now I want a new and fresh look....I love the original, but to me, it seems dated. So, I've come up with a few options.....all of these are rough drafts and I haven't even decided if I'm going to change the logo, yet. 

 I think I'm partial to the third one from the top, but I just can't decide!!!  What do you think?


  1. I like the 3rd one too, but I would center and make the cupcake graphic just slightly smaller (just like the one shown in the 2nd one). That's me being picky. Looks good!

  2. They are all cute but my fav is the 5th one with the colorful banner and the grey birthday wishes.

  3. I love number 3!

  4. Hi! I like the third one too with the cupcake.. I think its cute.

  5. Keisha! I love the 4th one from the top! Maybe you could incorporate the cupcake with the "cupcake wishes" line and I love the banner for the "birthday dreams" part!

    Looking good!!!

  6. So cute! I like the 2nd one the best-I would make the cupcake bigger and center it with the & in the cupcake.

  7. silly me! For some reason, I thought it was reading, "Cupcake & Wishes", but now I'm realizing it's, "Cupcake Wishes & Birthday Dreams". I guess I was confused because, "&" seems to be sort of in between "Cupcake" and "Wishes". I would bring, "&" down and place it in the middle of where the two horizontal bars are, just like how it's placed in #4. So I prefer #4, but I gravitate more towards 2-color logos.

  8. The 3rd one and I agree with Louisa. Now my next comment I say with love, I do not think your original logo is out of date. In fact the feeling I get from it is that it is fun, youthful, energetic, playful,whimsical and joyful. I do not get the same feeling with the new logo. My suggestion is to possibly tweak the original design by bring in the drop shadow so it is not so bold. And, making the little swirl around the cupcake and the ampersand symbol (&) the same color maybe a fresh green color. Just some thoughts from this graphic designer.

  9. Love the third one! That candle clinches it for me. :)

    ~ Pia

  10. Thanks for all your comments!!! I'm still undecided....LOL, but I'm still leaning towards the third one....decisions, decisions.....

  11. Keisha, they're all great, but I think I like #3 & #6 the best! I like the pink and black combo...very cute!

  12. Love the pink & black combo...# 3 and # 6 are my picks!

  13. I like #2. Simple yet creative and to the point!
