
Friday, July 15, 2011

{Bloggerversary Celebration} Homespun Hostess Party Set

I have a giveaway for you today from a fellow DiD pal, Sara, from the Homespun Hostess.

I love, love, love my DiD friends - we support each other and network a whole bunch - they're a fab crew.  So, when I had this wacky idea of asking some of my entrepreneurial gal friends if they'd be interested in participating in my bloggerversary giveaways, I was deee-lighted when Sara was kind enough to offer a printable party set from her Etsy shop.  Miss Sara and I are of the same heart and mind when it comes to paper crafting - we loooooves it! She's got some super cute items in her shop too...see???


Everything in her shop looks so timeless and effortless....OH SHE INSPIRES ME SO!

If you'd like to win a printable set here's what ya gotta do to qualify:

1. "Like" The Homespun Hostess Facebook page
2. "Like" The Cupcake Wishes & Birthday Dreams Facebook Page
3. Visit Sarah's Etsy shop: and have a look around and....
4. Leave a comment below telling us you 'liked' both pages and be sure to INCLUDE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS and also let us know what party set you want to win.
Make sure you leave your email addy - and you MUST like both pages....we'll be checking ;)  If you already liked our pages - BIG UPS TO YOU!!!!!  Still let us know though so, you can qualify.

Winner will be chosen on Friday, July 22nd at 8pm on



  1. Hey gals! I liked BOTH your pages and excited to keep creating fabulous parties with YOUR help! Keep up the great work!

  2. I liked both pages and I love your yellow printable set! dcnwosu at gmail dot com
