
Thursday, March 17, 2011

{Holiday Fun} Pots O' Gold & St. Patty's Pancakes

A naughty leprechaun got in my house sometime this morning.  So, I woke my daughter up (Thing 2 could be less bothered) and told her that a leprechaun sneaked in the house and raided our cabinets, closets and drawers looking for all kinds of gold things and that we had to catch him before he stole everything. 

I had her follow the 'shamrocks' down the hall and into the dining room.

I told her that he tried to escape and didn't make it....that's why he left the pots of gold!

We looked all over the living room for him and that's when we made the discovery!!!!

I have no idea why she thought I made that whole story up but......WHATEVER....

After we collected the pots of gold and cleaned up the naughty leprechaun's mess, we sat down and enjoyed pancakes decorated with sugar shamrocks (hey folks, it's the best I could do).  I was inspired by Martha's Clover Cookies; the kids drank green milk.....

...and Mama had coffee with a swirl o' Baileys!!!!  I sure did....

My kids have given me all the reason in the world to go loopy on any given holiday.


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