
Thursday, July 1, 2010

Happy Birthday to Cupcake Wishes & Birthday Dreams' Blog!

It's my bloggie's little one year birthday!  Oh how happy am I?  When I started writing this blog, I had no clue how much it would bring me.  I just wanted a place to show people my creations and share my ideas and thoughts on all things PARTY!  But this little baby has allowed much more than that.  I've met new blog friends, clients and readers....all of whom I'm very grateful for!

So, to show my appreciation.....I'm doing some fun giveaways and prizes today.  I am currently working on designs for an Esty store but,  I will giveaway prizes today on Twitter (follow me @kikikens), on my Facebook Fan Page (Cupcake Wishes & Birthday Dreams) and here on the blog.  I'm all over the place! 

Today's giveaways are:

Giveaway #1
A custom party kit from my new 'Fire Truck, Whale and Baby Elephant' themed party designs collection consisting of the following items:
8 Banner
8 Party Hats
24 Circle Embellishments
8 Invitations & Thank You Cards
1 Door Sign
3 Party Poms!

Giveaway #2

A custom designed invitation for your next party or gathering.  You tell me your theme and I create your invitation!

Giveaway #3

I loosely based my son's 2nd birthday party on 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar'.  Ironically, I came across an Eric Carle party kit - to giveaway!

$25 Gift Certificate to the Christmas Tree Shops!

Giveaway #5
Party Pack Mystery Box!  Chock full of good stuff - worth $150!!!

This contest is closed - thanks for participating.
To enter the giveaways:

  1. Follow this blog, my Twitter (@kikikens) and become a fan of Cupcake Wishes & Birthday Dreams on Facebook .

  2. Leave a comment as to which prize(s) you want and that you're following me (if you aren't on FB or Twitter - you can still enter - just note so in the comment).

  3. And just for fun - Are  you Team Edward or Team Jacob?

A winner will be chosen at for each giveaway and you must enter between from 1PM EST today until 5PM ESTtomorrow evening.



  1. I joined you on Twitter. Already a member of FB. Love your blog! Also, Team Jacob here.

  2. I followed you on Twitter, (sn=happyleesh), no fb though. :)

    I like surprises so count me in for the random prize box. :)

    I'd say Team Edward. :)

  3. I'm following through Goodle Friend, is that ok?

    Mystery Box! SUch a great sound to it! That's what I'd pick!

  4. Team Edward!! I like his family, lol

  5. i am team edward!

  6. i would love to win #5 the most!
    and i am a follower

  7. i am a google friend connect and facebook follower!

  8. They all sound great but I love a surprise so the Mystery Box for me! I am a new follower and twitter (ccoursey) and Fb. Thanks for the chance!

  9. I'm following your blog, following you on twitter and on facebook!
    These are some fantastic giveaways! I'm totally intrigued by the mystery box! I'd love to win that most of all :)
    I'd also love to have the gift certificate to Christmas tree shops.
    I wish I had a little one to plan a party for because your invitations are adorable!
    Unfortunately I don't think my husband would go for them for his birthday...

    Thanks for the chance to win such awesome prizes!!

    jenny.maurer84 at gmail dot com

  10. i am following you on twitter - mommatori82
    and liked you on facebook

    i would love to win any of these grat prizes I guess my top pick would be the custom party kit in the cute little elephants or the suprise box cuz I love surprises!!

    team jacob

  11. I'm following on FB and on Google-I don't have a twitter account. Hope that's okay. ;)
    I wouldlove the invites, I am in charge of invites for my sister-in-laws bridal shower next month!!

  12. Keisha, you and your blog ROCK! I don't know how to Twitter, LOL, but we're friends, FB friends and I follow your blog. Surprise me. Everything you do is amazing. You need to go on that new cupcake show and some them how it's done!!xoxo
