
Friday, July 16, 2010

Friday Freebie: Grab My Button

Seriously for weeks I tried to create a cute blog button.  Well, I designed a bunch- A WHOLE BUNCH - but finally settled on one that I was happy with.  However, the trouble all started when I went to add it to the blog. 

I'm not super technically challenged, I can figure most things out.  The truth is I don't have much patience and occasionally too many directions and steps flusters me; I am an instant gratification type of gal.  I tried and tried but couldn't get it.  Every tutorial that I read just seemed so involved (they probably really weren't involved, it's actually an easy process....).  After finding one that made sense I was able to post the button.

This is the button I designed......I likey:

If you choose to (and I hope you do), you can grab the code - fo' free ;) - to post to your blog - it's located in the side bar ---->

Do you have a button you want to add to Cupcake Wishes & Birthday Dreams????  Leave a comment and include your link!!!


  1. Hi, I'm coming from 31DBBB.
    Loved your button and your blog. I'll add it at my own blog.

    I 've just read your reply at the challenge and I agree with you. Leaving comments on other blogs sometimes they read my posts back.

    I follow some Party sites and blogs. Do you know The Frot Me Blog and The Party Dress? There is also a Brasilian Blog Party with beatuful pictures Hope you like it

  2. Love the New button. Somehow, I'm not good and grabbing. Not even sure how I got the buttons on my blog I will attempt to get yours and put it on.
