
Monday, July 12, 2010

Cupcake Monday: Strawberry Short Cake

Hi all!

I didn't get to making any baked sweets over the weekend, but I forgot to show you all what I made for my honey bun for Father's Day.  He isn't a big sweets person - how sad for him - but when he does get a craving for something sweet it's either Pecan Pie, Caramel Cake or Strawberry Short Cake.  Well with strawberries being in season I went ahead and made him this:

Traditional Strawberry Short Cake calls for a biscuit like cake drizzlin' with strawberries, but I don't really like that version.  So, I made the cake using this Citrus Sponge Cake recipe - with a few tweaks of my own.  Then I filled it with fresh strawberries and topped it with the best frosting ever - Swiss Meringe Buttercream. I enhanced the frosting with some flavoring and orange, lemon & lime zest.  Then went crazy with the strawberries on top of the cake.  It looked so good that no one wanted to cut into it.  Actually it was so good that before I could get any pictures of it cut it was gone! 

Here's another shot for you in case the one above didn't have you drooling already:


This also makes a really great summertime dessert! 

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