
Sunday, March 28, 2010

More Princess and The Frog Sneak Peek, Early Giveaway and the Friday Freebie Winner

The Winner of the Princess and The Frog Party Pack is.....

Congratulations Stevie! Please be sure to contact me within 72 hours of this post to receive your prize!!!

Okay, okay - I know I said I'd announce the party pack winner and the next giveaway on Saturday and now it's after 11 PM on a Sunday.  Well, amongst other things, I have been so focused on getting things together for, what I know call "Princesspalooza" that I forgot to post....sorry, my bad.

In any case, while I was out this weekend picking up items for Princesspalooza I went to one of my FAVORITE stores EVER, The Christmas Tree Shops!  I know what you're thinking....what do Christmas trees have to do with parties?  Well, it's actually a bargain store with just about everything you can imagine. There are seasonal items, party items, toys, food, houswares & toiletries!  They have a bit of everything.  They recently opened a store near me and that just makes my day.  I'd only shopped at the one in CT - but I guess the stores are expanding.  If you have one near you - GO!  While I was there I got all of this!

I actually got more than what is here - but I got everything for under $100 before taxes!!!!  I LOVE CHRISTMAS TREE SHOPS.

Since I didn't get to post the giveaway winner until today and since I most likely won't be able to post a giveaway this Friday (due to Princesspalooza) and I didn't do this week's giveaway, here's what I'm going to do....for Easter I thought a great idea for a party would be an Easter Egg Decorating party. You know, invite a few kids over, get the eggs out on the table, and decorate!  Now, given Princesspalooza is the day before Easter, I'm certainly not getting into all of that.  What I can do though is give away a pack of goodies to get the party started for one of my followers!  Here is what you'll get:

Giveaway has ended!

You will receive:
- Classic Egg Dyeing Kit
- Sticker Book
- Martha Stewart Egg Dress Up Kit
- Foam Door Hangers Kit
- Marshmallow Egg Candies
- Glitter Pens
(Prize Pack does not include, basket, grass or accessories - sorry)

....and because Easter is right around the corner, the contest will end on 11:59 AM on Tuesday, March 30.  To enter you have to do the following:
- Be a follower of my blog or become a follower
- Leave a comment why you want to win

- Post a link about the contest on your blog or Facebook page
(be sure to send a link back in your comment to verify your post)

Good luck!


  1. I´m a follower, love your blog and would love to win because all of this I cannot get where I live and my girls would totally adore it (me too, why lie right?) but since I´m not in the US I have no idea if I´m elegible, if so great and if not it´s ok too.

  2. Yay!!! I just emailed you my information. Thank you SO very much!

    Egg decorating...I need to do that this Friday! We're having an Easter Egg Hunt on Sunday for the little ones.

    Happy Easter!

  3. I am a follower. You have a great blog.

  4. I wrote a post about your blog and giveaway at

  5. I am a follower :)

    That store sounds great wish we had one around here!!

  6. I blogged!

  7. I'm a follower now. I would love to win because every year since for as long as I can remember my mom and I have dyed Easter eggs together. Even when I was not living in the same city I would come home for Easter a day early to dye eggs. My mom, my kids, my niece & nephew and I all get a dozen eggs each. It's so much fun. Mom & I take our time and the kids are done in no time.

  8. i am a follower now and would love to win this easter basket/decorating kit. i love easter! thanks!

  9. i became a follower
    i want to win because i have no easter stuff yet!!!!!!!!
    emmy1981 at aol dot com

  10. I am a follower!

    I would like to win them for ma little cousins and my nephew!


  11. Im a new follower! I would like to win because we LOVE decorating eggs. The kids go nuts. It is a big tradition.

  12. I am a follower. This is adorable. I've been a little remiss (but not a LOT remiss :-) ) this Easter with the kiddies, so this would be great fun. Thanks!

  13. I tell you, I need to get to that store. Those are some great items
