
Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Sweets & Treats Party Recap

This past weekend, I held the No Boys Allowed! Sweets & Treats Valentine’s Day party for my Little Diva.  Let me just say that while this party was right on time - it almost got cancelled. 

You know, drama  in the form of illness or bad weather seems to follow me whenever I do a party. Rain, is usually the case. In another case I did a party while trying to care for two sick babies.  This time, it was Old Man Winter’s idiot cousin, Jack Frost. 

We received a lot (TONS, in fact) of snow in our area for the past few weeks and honestly, the party almost didn’t happen.  I was stuck in my house for almost 2 1/2 weeks.  I’d been sick (see there?) with a nasty stomach flu for about a week and then Jack took a dump on us.  So, once the roads were finally cleared out, I rushed out at the last minute to get all the supplies I needed for the party.  

I zipped through AC Moore and Party City to find what I needed and it was not happening.  I couldn't find the right color paper, candy, or fabric for our craft project & table cloth. I was really disappointed and things weren't looking too good.  I got a few things and just was resolved to make the best out of what I had.  As luck would have it, I decided to stop past Target for candy and lo and behold right there in the dollar bin, I found loads of goodies that matched my theme and color scheme!  It was like the Party Gods were listening to and answering  my prayers. 

When I got home and put Thing 1 and Thing 2 to bed, I literally worked through the night into the next day to try and pull it all together.  I couldn't put out as much as I planned but, I did my best with what I had; at the end of the day the girls had so much fun. In fact, I think that the moms had more fun than the girls did.  (We all were suffering from cabin fever and in much need of some adult interaction and overdue girl time).

Another dilemna: my camera is on the fritz (sigh....cue in world's smallest violin....and scene!) Luckily, I did get a few pictures on it before it went kaput - so, I apologize if they look grainy.  Fortunately, I was able to use a friend's camera and those pictures will be posted once I get them.  I’m campaigning for a Canon Rebel XS for my birthday and hope that I can get it sooner than later. ;) 

Here are the pictures:

Here is the door sign I created using Word, PowerPoint & Publisher  because I really cannot get into Photoshop - we've discussed this before....I'll get there one day.....I'm happy with the way it turned out.  I even create the images myself....I see a possible Etsy store in the future ;)  See that patterned paper underneath?  That's one of  my Target dollar bin finds - so is the basket and tin (which I purchased months ago).

I love poms!  They're very delightful and seem to amaze people.  I used to make these all the time at summer camp - who would have known they'd be so popular....thanks to my girl Martha!

I made this banner using my computer and the scrapbook paper I got from Target!  I get a lot of inspiration from Jess at Polkadots & Pirates - she's DA BOMB!

I really like to make paper rosettes for decorations.  I  never really know what I'm going to do with them until it's time to hang them up.  I hung these up over an unused paper tablecloth I had left from my the Little Diva's baby shower- that was like 5 years ago - and yeah, it was wrinkly - but it gave the backdrop character - dontchathink?  See those heart topped favor boxes?  I made those on my Cricut machine!  I loves me Cricut!

Target Dollar Bin finds:  I dressed up these plain pink paper cups from the party store with stickers and made paper napkin rings from scrapbook paper packs from the Target dollar bin.

I put the napkin rolls in a tin that I found in the dollar bin months ago that was enhanced with a tag I created.  I also found a good deal on little favors from the party store and scattered them around the center of the table for the girls to play with while they waited for lunch.

And speaking of lunch, I served Mini Meatball Sammies and a simple fruit salad. 

The Diva helped decorate the patio doors with some window clings I bought for her - another Target find....very cute. 

Look at all that snow!  Actually, in the bottom left of the picture our little pickup truck is buried under the snow and normally you can't see the street from my deck because there are tall bushes there - but the snow weighed them all down.  Hope they survive the winter.

Sweet Shoppe sign for my candy buffet.....mmm....candy....

More candy.....

Who doesn't love conversation hearts?

At the end of the party all the girls got to fill treat bags with loads of candy!

They also got to make a fun craft.  We all had a good (and challenging) time making these foam purses!

After all the guests left, I found my Little Diva off to herself coloring in a book she got as a gift from one of her guests. 

When the party was over she gave me a huge hug, thanked me and told me I was the best mommy in the world.  Bless her heart!


  1. So glad you could have the party! Everything looked BEAUTIFUL!!!!

    Snow is a 4 letter word... 8) LOVE YOU!

  2. This is so nice. I love al of the details. And yes, you should open an Etsy shop. It your doing all of those graphics on your own, your miles ahead fo me.

  3. Thanks Ali & Monique! Monique, I'm really considering it!

  4. Just stumbled on your blog! Very cute!

    Kim @
