
Friday, February 26, 2010

Friday Freebie!!! Hello Cupcake Book & Apron Giveaway

Happy Friday! 

Today's Friday freebie is the book that kinda sorta started it for me.  When I first sent away for Hello Cupcake it was after I'd came up with a brilliant idea to make hat shaped cupcakes for my friend's Big Hat Birthday Bruch. 

(Never before seen cupcakes - it was a hot day and the frosting melted on the way to the brunch :( -- but they were SOMEKINDAGOOD!)

After a lot of encouragement from some of the party guests, I decided to try my hand at baking (BTW, I wasn't always the best baker - I've improved by leaps and bounds), start a business making fun cupcakes (initially - now I do total party planning - insane) So, I purchased the book Hello Cupcake and really got inspired. 

The various decorating techniques explained in the book have really helped me learn the basics.  As far as some of the more fun cupcakes in the book, I can't say I've really made them. I've always just let creativity be my guide and do my own thing. 

Still, I think this book is really fun and is a great starting point for the do-it-yourself party person or cupcake lovah.  So, I am offering the book along with a cupcake printed apron that I purchase from Home Goods to one lucky winner.  

There are several ways to enter and with each entry you have an extra chance to be in the running!

Enter thisaway:
  1. Follow my blog & leave a comment telling me you favorite cupcake flavor(s).
  2. Become a Facebook Fan of Cupcake Wishes & Birthday Dreams and be sure you leave a comment under the contest post. 
  3. If you have a blog post a link back to this post about the giveaway and leave a comment or email me when you do. 
  4. Follow me on Twitter @kikikens and re-tweet a link about the contest and be sure you mention #CWBD GIVEAWAY.
  5. Automatic Triple Dog Dare Entry: Guess my favorite cupcake flavor and leave your guess in the comments section. 
The contest ends at Midnight on 3/1/2010.  Winner will be chosen using and announced in the next 'Friday Freebie' post on 3/3/2010.  You will have 72 hours after the announcement to claim your prize or you end up forfeiting.  Another winner will then be chosen again at random.

Thanks for reading, Happy Friday & Good Luck!!!!


  1. Favorite Flavor: mint fudge cupcakes

    Facebook Fan of Cupcake Wishes & Birthday Dreams: Yes :)

    my blog post:

    Following you on Twitter: yes

  2. I'm a follower now! My favorite cupcake flavor is chocolate. Especially with peanut butter icing! YUM!!!

  3. I'm a follower and S'mores is my favorite! I love this book and can't wait for the next release sometime in March!!!

    Kim @

  4. posted a blog post. Great contest!

  5. YAY! I follow your blog and your tweets!
    Im a fan on facebook as well!
    My favortie cuppy flavor is plain ol' yellow cake with strawberry icing! YUM!!!!
    and I think your fav flav is.....hmmmm chocolate :D

  6. I have to check out your facebook page. I think your favorite cupcake is chocolate.

  7. I'm so favorite cupcake flavor is chocolate with vanilla icing.

  8. I'm guessing your favorite cupcake flavor is red velvet.

  9. I just made my love known on FB, since I've been an email subscriber...I bet you like cookie dough ice-cream...

  10. 1)Following and my favorite cupcakes are banana cupcakes
    2)Going to check out your FB
    3)Posting on my blog
    4)...nope, haven't gotten to the twitter thing yet ;o)
    5)You favorite is Chocolate cherry surprise?

  11. I just posted on my blog about your giveaway (included link) as well! Thanks!!!

  12. My favorite flavor is Chocolate!

  13. My favorite flavor is ANYTHING chocolate and peanut butter!!!!
