
Friday, November 6, 2009

'Where the Wild Things Are' Halloween Party Recap: Part 2

As promised, here are more photos from our 'Where the Wild Things Are' themed Halloween party. 
Let me just say that I had the BEST time planning this party.  Halloween has always been fun for me, but now that I have kids, it's officially my favorite holiday. 

There were so many different ideas I had and because I tend to work alone (because I have trust issues) and have thismuchtimeavailable, a lot of my ideas didn't get to see the light of day.  It's cool though, know why? because I intend to do a remix of this party for one of my son's birthday parties either next year or the following.  I will have my day yet!!!!  LOL!  Let me also say that my camera is on the fritz.  My pictures didn't come out so great, so I apologize for the poor quality.  These things happen.

Aaaanyhoooo, here's what went down:

 I posted this quote from the book on our door.  When the guests showed up, they had an idea of what to expect once they got inside.

I posted our stairway/hallway in my last post, but, just in case you missed it...

It took me forever to make these vines, even my Little Diva pitched in and did a pretty good job.  But she got tired, of course, and went off to play.  I really should have started making them like three weeks ago instead of the day before.  I'd cut out the leaves during the week; now I'll know better for next time.

Enter into the 'man cave' a la the 'wild rumpus' room.  I created a banner and some paper rosettes (inspired by Amy Atlas) and put the Max-o-Lantern that I made earlier in the week on our wood burning stove and spread candy all around.  The little paper boats represent Max's boat that he used to sail away to 'Where the Wild Things Are' in the book.  I gave them to the guests as favors!

On the other side of the room was the food table.  We put out Max & Moishe cupcakes, Monster Finger cookies, Apples & Oranges and lots of candy.  A friend even brought a jack-o-lantern decorated cake.  We served Chicken Fingers and Pizza Rolls for the kids to eat. 

...there were a lot of little things going on with this spread.....

My Max, Moise & Sipi paper toys from Toy-a-Day

There was so much more to share, but alas, my camera failed me and I didn't get to snap all the photos.  The kids got to watch a book adaptation DVD version of Where the Wild Things Are that I borrowed from the libray.  They also created their own paperbag monster puppets!

I did get some cute pictures of my son in his Max costume and my recessionista daughter in her Pumpkin Witch costume (last year's get-up).   I would share those with you but I made myself a promise not to show my kiddie's faces on my blog. But trust me, they were adorable.  So were the other little princesses, bumble bees, pirates, tigers, cowboys and space heroes who were at the party. 

This was a really fun party and I already started to collect items for next year's Halloween bash!


  1. How did you make the vines? Did you use rope for the vine and construction paper for the leaves? How did you attach the leaves?

  2. How did you make the vines? Is it green construction paper and rope? How did you attach the leaves?

    1. Dominic - they are brown paper bags that were cut into strips and twisted to look like a vine. The leaves are made from sturdy green construction paper.
