
Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Get Creative - Fun Halloween Ideas!

Anyone who knows me knows I LOVE a good party (duh) and anyone who knows that also knows that when Halloween comes that I'm all about getting into the hullabaloo of it all.  This year, if you've been following my blog you'll know, I'm doing a 'Where the Wild Things Are' theme for this year's Halloween party for my kids.  So, my theme is set!  As the days approach closer to Oct. 31, I'll be sharing more of the decorations and ideas with you.  However, as I've been blog surfing this week, I've come across so many other fantastic ideas for Halloween parties that I thought I'd post them on my blog and maybe you'll also be inspired!  I might even try out some of the ideas myself next year!

Here's one post from Vanessa at A Fanciful Twist - I love the idea of having these potions and spells jars.  She used the most commonly found household items, backyard findings and her wonderful imagination and just - WOW!  OH!  She's also on Etsy!
Here are some really cool DIY ideas from Country Living:
You know I love my sweet treats!  Here are some cool ideas that I found on
I heart Amy Atlas' dessert buffet's.  Take a look at what she created for a Halloween spread that was featured in Celebrate magazine
This post would not be complete without a shout out to my shared birthday partner in crime (in my head), Martha Stewart.  She's got the TP (total package) on planning the perfect Halloween party.  Start with invitations of course, like this one - which I heart
She's also got a Halloween workshop that gives you all the DIY projects you can imagine to pull off the perfect ghoulish affair!!!!
Get out your broomsticks and cauldrons.....Halloween is right around the corner!!!!


  1. You have some fantastic ideas on here!!
    I LOVE the idea of a Where the Wild things are party.
    Awesome and creative!!

