
Thursday, August 27, 2009

Ask and Ye Shall Receive; I'm on Creative Parties & Showers!

So, on my birthday I had this awesome awakening of all that I deserved to have in my life. Being a mom, I took care of everyone else, I worried about everyone else and what they thought about me if I didn't do what they wanted me to. I was at that place where I was ruled by everyone else's opinion of me and what I did. I became suffocated by it and really felt poorly about anything I did. Clearly, this isn't the mindset I needed to have to move forward in a positive direction in my life. I knew this was not the person I am, but I was slowly fading into this idea of what I thought other people should have of me. So, I decided on that day to change my mind and my thoughts and create the life I should have. Since that moment, so much of what I've envisioned, felt, believed, thought, dreamed has started to come to fruition and I am so thankful for it.

One example of my hopes and wishes coming to be was that I really wanted my parties to be featured on Creative Parties and Showers. For those of you not familiar with CP&S, it is a blog that features, amongst other things, the hard work and effort of so many creative people and the talent they have at planning parties. You can see the passion that these people have for just creating these really fun & unique party spaces. I think the site is awesome and I've referred to it many a time for ideas and inspiration.

For me, it really meant a lot to be featured on the blog. This morning I received an email from Shannon with CP&S informing me that the Spiderman Party I did a few months back would be featured on the site. You cannot imagine how excited I was and how grateful I am to be up there.

I sent details about the party with the thought that, "Oh, it'll never be up there. They probably get hundreds of submissions everyday." Well, when I changed my mind, I literally changed so much of what happens in my life. I started visualizing my work on the site (even when it eally wasn't there) and as recently as yesterday I was talking to a friend about my hopes to be featured on the site; well, now I am. I hope that in the future more of my work will be up there for others to see. This happening is just another testament to my belief that if you change your mind, you change your life.

Click here to see photos from the party.


  1. Keisha! Congrats on being featured on CP&S!! Just found your blog and you do really great work! Keep it up!

