
Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Wild Thing Cupcakes and Weekend Finds

My plan this weekend was to decorate my Max & Moishe cupcakes, do some party designs and then post them yesterday. However, my weekend filled up quickly - well, my daughter's weekend filled up quickly with birthday gift shopping (more on that later), a splash party and picnic - thus, I had to play mommy. So, I took the time last night to design the cupcakes for my Where the Wild Things Are party collection! I'm telling you this party is going to be a production by the time I finish. While, I think my Moishe cupcake needs some refining, I think they came out pretty close to what I'd envisioned (see my post-it notes sketch above). My daughter thought they were so funny and scary! She couldn't wait to eat them! In any case, here they are:

Moishe & Max

Moishe - My favorite Wild Thing creature.

Mischievous Max!

In my last post I told you that I'd share with you how I made the invitation. Here's a little back story. I don't consider myself an artist, I just like to create things. I look at something and think about how I can make it my own. In this case, that's what I did with the invitation. My mother is a graphic designer and has been pushing for me to use Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop to do my graphics for my party creations. Well, I have little patience for all the whoozie-whatzits that both of those programs have - and I mean, I have kids - shortcuts work best for me. I'm sure every real graphic designer's head would spin if they knew that I just used the drawing tools in Microsoft Word to do the invite. I know my mom's almost did - HI MOM!

The idea for the invitation was to do a take on the book cover, play with the 'wild rumpus' parade from the book, and incorporate Max's journey on the land boat to the forest where the creatures lived. I think it looks pretty okay and I was able to achieve the look I wanted.

I'm still adding more to my inspiration board, so I promise I'll share it with you before the end of the week.

So, as I stated earlier, the kiddies and I needed to get a birthday gift on Saturday. We went to Target to quickly go in and get a gift for the birthday boy. As soon as we walked in my plan was foiled; the Mini Diva, ran right to the dollar section - and I could not resist.

I love the dollar section in Target, but it's dangerous! I did pick up a few items to add to my inventory, like glitter pencils and cupcake notebooks for a Princess Party - in, ahem, April. As we 'looked' through the bins at all the new items. I realized that the Target dollar section is the perfect stop for real quality party favors when you are on a tight budget. Look at the fun finds that would be perfect for a Dr. Seuss themed party:

These would make really fun gift bags:

To put inside the gift bags - markers, notebooks....

Mini Diva in the Hat!

In my next post, I'll share with you my favor bags, napkin rings and the fun party hats I'm working on!!!

1 comment:

  1. WOW! You are amazing! The detail on the cupcakes are so cute!
